About the School

West Fannin was established in 1954 and opened its doors in 1955 as a high school. West Fannin then became a middle school in 1976 when Fannin County’s current Fannin County High School opened. West Fannin finally became West Fannin Elementary School (WFES) in 1992 when the Fannin County Middle School was established.
West Fannin Elementary’s current student enrollment is approximately 475, and currently employees approximately 70 faculty and staff members that positively impact the lives of these students on a daily basis.
The curriculum at West Fannin Elementary follows the standards and frameworks provided by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE). In addition, students at WFES are not only challenged by various classroom assessments but also participate in mandatory, standardized assessments. Kindergarten students participate in the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) throughout each school year while students in grades 3 through 5 participate in the Georgia Milestones Assessments during the spring of each school year.
Instruction at WFES focuses heavily on STEM education. This means that the students at WFES receive opportunities to take part in learning that involves math and science integration, is project-based and problem-based, makes real-world connections, provides enrichment opportunities, and allows students to investigate in order to find solutions. Through STEM education, students also receive valuable opportunities to take academic risks, explore new ideas, and embrace mistakes as a valuable part of learning. Also, as part of STEM education, the WFES students get the chance to work with many local business partners. We thank all of our local business partners.
We are also thankful for Special-Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) funds. Due to SPLOST funds, WFES has a STEM Lab and a greenhouse where students can take part in hands-on, real-life learning experiences that connect to the GaDOE standards and frameworks.
Students at WFES also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of after-school clubs such as the Garden Club, two Robotics Clubs (3rd/5th Grade & 4th Grade), Competitive Robotics Team and Investigative Research.
A positive culture and climate are crucial to the success of the WFES students. Our administration, teachers, and Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) committee are dedicated to consistently improving the culture and climate at WFES.
Other committees at WFES include the School Improvement Team (SIT), the STEM/STEM committee, and the School Governance Team (SGT).
The administration and employees at WFES value parent involvement and communication. We have an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and a parent liaison that assist in nurturing and cultivating the relationship between the school and the parents.
Finally, the administration at WFES has an open-door policy. Therefore, if a parent has a question of concern, then he or she should always feel free to contact the administration.